29 Oct

Curtains are definitely the center of attraction for every house and clean curtains always look pleasant.

While buying curtains you must have thought about how you will be washing it.

Of Course you can wash it like your normal clothes but it will be very hard because it is first of all very thick and for washing it with hands you will definitely require a lot of manpower Which can be avoided. You can use a washing machine for this purpose but it can damage your fabric as the washing machine washes clothes by spinning it and turning it.

There are many solutions for washing your curtains without using water. You can follow the list to clean your curtains at home without using water.

  • By using instant cleaning sprays- As technology is evolving it from day to day it is minimizing the burden of humans. You can use instant cleaning sprays which are available in the market. So, All you need to do is spray it on the stains and spots present on your curtains and wipe them with a clean cloth. It will clean your curtains without using water.
  • By using homemade ingredients- You can definitely clean your valuable curtains using home made curtain cleaners Perth although these cleaners are available in the market which you can instantly spray on your stain and spot.  One of the most common instant cleaners is by using kitchen ingredients that are baking soda and vinegar. To make this all you need is to apply a layer or baking soda powder on the stain or spot. Which is present on your curtains and spray some vinegar on it. After leaving them for some time, wipe the place with a clean cloth. This is a natural process and it will not cause any harm to your curtains. So, It will clean your curtains without using water.
  • By using a vacuum cleaner- If you have Vacuum cleaner at your home then you can figure out how useful it becomes when you have to clean anything and you can't use water. Vacuum cleaner cleans curtains using air pressure which sucks all the dust and dirt present in your curtains. It is very effective as it can clean all those tiny particles. Which you might not be able to see from your naked eye. It is one of the best ways of cleaning curtains without using water. So, It will not destroy it's natural beauty and will keep it shining for a long time.

All the methods mentioned above can be used for cleaning curtains without using water. This process includes natural ingredients which will not cause any damage to your curtains and will keep it life long. So, All the above mentioned points you can use at home without hiring experts for clean your carpets. As these steps are easy and safe at home. You can also read our blog on how to use baking soda for blinds brown stain removal.

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